Jan 28/10 | A "One" Minute Chavista Recipe for Chaos and Repression in Venezuela

23 JANUARY 2010
This is a broadcast from the Communication and Information Ministry of the People’s Power of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the radio and television network.
A simulcast… A simulcast! ... Long live Venezuela! ... Uproar! ... Uproar!
The Admirable Campaign has begun!
Oh, tremble ye oligarchs! ... Long live Bolivarian Freedom! … Such an uproar! … Such patriotic joy! … Oooh!
This is a message with the rollicking roar of the Bolivarian people at O’Leary Plaza. The Admirable Campaign has begun.
We make this announcement to Venezuela by national radio and television simulcast.
The people have taken to the streets. The streets belong to the people and not to the oligarchy.
Such an uproar!
January Twenty-Third!
January Twenty-Third. We are still in the midst of a national simulcast. We shall give it one more minute in order to say the following:
Here in the heart of the universal Caracas. The cradle of the South American Revolution. The cradle of Bolívar. The cradle of Miranda. The cradle of Guaicaipuro.
The cradle of Bolivarianism of the 21st Century. The cradle of Socialism of the 21st Century.
We send this message to all Venezuelan people.
To the youth of Venezuela. Youth! Divine Treasure!
This message as a call to unity, to the struggle, to study.
To choose the way of dignity for a people who are, and have always been, fundamentally young.
Young Venezuelans! The Fatherland belongs to you!
From this very moment on.
And all of you! It will be your lot to forge the grandiose paths of the 20th Century.
In order to turn Venezuela into a power on this continent.
My greetings to Venezuelan women of all ages, from all places.
Women! Without you the Fatherland would not be a Fatherland.
Forward with the women’s revolution.
In order to save the world. In order to achieve balance in society. Gender equality. Social equality.
I have always said so, the feminist that I am. As was Bolivar. As we should all be as revolutionaries and patriots.
Without women waging the battle there would be no victory. There would be no Fatherland.
Women to the forefront! Youth to the forefront! Venezuela’s students!
There ahead lies the pathway opening up. The road is yours. The Fatherland belongs to all of you.
Students! Long live the students!
[He then begins to sing]: “Long live the students…”
My voice is giving out. Oh, my God!
Cristóbal Jiménez, who does have a good voice, is somewhere over there. And Federico is somewhere around there with his Latin Combo.
There we have the students from the UNEFA. Let’s give a round of applause for them and to all the university students. To the secondary school students. To the elementary school students. To all the students. Students! A divine rank! Makers of the future! Builders of dreams and of the Fatherland!
To Venezuela’s workers! My call, as always, to unity and to the battle for socialism.
Men and women workers, laborers. Venezuela’s proletarians. United in the battle that is for all of you. For Venezuela’s working families.
For professionals. For intellectuals throughout Venezuela.
For decent people.
This message. Today, January Twenty-Third.
For thinkers, writers, sculptors.
My call to all of you.
To organic intellectuals.
To continue making your contribution. Your creativity. Your songs. Your poems. Everything, everything.
For the Venezuelan people.
For Venezuelan independence.
For Venezuelan cultural independence.
For the impulse of our roots as a Fatherland.
As an Indian Fatherland.
As a Black Fatherland.
As a Mestizo Fatherland.
As a Carib Fatherland.
A Message of unity to Venezuela’s genuine entrepreneurs and male and female producers
To work together. In order to bolster the economy, development and productivity.
To all men. To all women.
To farmers. To workers in the field. To women workers in the field. To fishermen, to fisherwomen.
To communal councils. To the people’s power.
To the communes.
To the indigenous peoples.
My call for unity in the struggle for this land’s millennial dignity.
My usual call to the Venezuelan military.
To follow the path shown by Bolivar.
With his example. With his life. With his sword. With his word.
Venezuelan military people. Today’s military people. Military patriots of yesterday and today.
Together with the people you are the new male and female liberators of the Fatherland of Simón Bolívar, America´s Great Liberator.
Finally, this message:
January Twenty-Third. Fifty-Two years after that day’s endeavor in Caracas. An endeavor of people in the streets.
An endeavor of hope. An endeavor of struggle. Of freedom.
This message from my heart:
Arriving as I did this morning before dawn. From way up there on the mountain. From way up there where one can almost reach the stars. Well over eleven thousand feet above sea level in Bolivia.
The people of Bolivia, who are also part of the Bolivarian Revolution, send their greetings to all of you. Greetings to all of you from Evo Morales, the Bolivarian President. An Aymara Indian. Liberating Bolivia is what Evo and Bolivian men and women are doing.
This special, very special, message from my heart to the girls and boys of Venezuela.
With all my love, the infinite love of a father. And also that of a comrade.
This message to the boys and girls taken from the shining thoughts of José Martí.
Everything we do is for you, little boys and girls of the Fatherland and we swear to you that we shall not fail in our determination so that all you will have a Fatherland that is great and free. Egalitarian, beautiful and good.
Little boys and girls of the Fatherland.
Well then.
Let us say goodbye t the simulcast with another rollicking roar.
Bolivarian uproar!
National Simulcast!
From O’Leary Plaza!
The Bolivarian Offensive has begun!
The Admirable Campaign!
Oh, tremble ye oligarchs!
Long live Freedom!
Thus concludes this broadcast from the Communication and Information Ministry of the People’s Power of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the radio and television network.
Translation by Indysurfer
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